Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nice Labor Day Weekend

So, this semester, I'm teaching two classes: Introduction to Programming (C Language) and Object Oriented Programming (VB.NET)... I have no idea what spurred me to take on another class in any shape or form, but I pulled a few strings last Thursday and got myself readmitted to the college (as I'm also an Alumni) and registered in the Criminal Justice associates degree program we have here.

Bear in mind, that I haven't read much outside of a technical manual or Harry Potter book over the past few years, but I decided to start my program taking a course from the last semester, Constitutional Law, which I spent most of the weekend reading. I know I'm going a bit backasswards here, but considering the research I've been conducting on the lawful carrying of a firearm, it seems to fit well... It's actually been enjoyable to actually read something with a bit of depth to it, though -- granted, a lot of it is case law, but, as part of our first assignment, we had to read several historical documents: The Mayflower Compact, The Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers (#10 and #41)... Though written in english, the vocabulary and subtleties of language in these documents are close to mind-boggling to me. Especially with the Federalist papers, I needed to read these several times to get the inherent meaning.

Outside of that, the weekend was nice -- Saturday the family went out and enjoyed the nice weather. Sunday, the wife took the kids out to the Zoo while I went up to a place called 'Sligo' for Irish session... there's always great music up there. Yesterday, I took my 4-year old out to the mall for breakfast and some daughter/daddy time. Granted, she was as trying as a 4-year old could be the rest of the day, but I even got a chance over the weekend to open up some of the other Daily Quests on World of Warcraft...

I got an IM from my mother this morning that one of my Uncle's passed this morning in his sleep... Cancer has been a tempestous killer on my mother's side and I'm quite glad that I don't smoke. She'll be coming down from Minnesota for the funeral this week, but told me she plans to stay a bit longer so she can visit her kids and grandkids -- it's always nice when she's able to come. The part of the state she's from requires her to take a puddle jumper to a 'real airport' so it's rather costly.

It'll be nice to have her, maybe we can take her to the beach this weekend or, at the very least, chill out and play some Warcraft... yes, she plays. Her and my step-father actually hit L60 before I did. Yes, we're a family of geeks. :)

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