July 31: Bought my first firearm ever -- S&W Sigma 9mm. (-$280)
Aug 19: Started my training course as required by the state. (-$225)
Aug 30: Bought my Springfield XD (-$399)
Sep 2: Finished my training course.
Sep 5: Arranged to have my intent to obtain a permit published in the Legal Notices in the News Journal. (-$74)
Sep 17: Make an appointment for fingerprinting/background check on Oct 9.
Sept 18: Sold my Sigma 9mm. Yay. (+$350)
Sep 28: Obtained all 5 character references.
Oct 1: Filled out my questionaire and had it notorized.
Oct 9: Got fingerprinted for my background check. (-$69)
Nov 1: Background check sent to Prothonotary. (Found out on 11/19 via call)
Nov 19: Called Prothonotary. Application at AG's office being processed.
Nov 29: Almost there -- letter from Delaware DoJ giving their non-commital, non-challenging, non-refusal recommendation to the Prothonotary. Time elapsed so far: 3 months, 10 days. (Image Above)
On another note, Delaware's license is a 'Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons' permit. Delaware defines as a deadly weapon: a knife, billy, blackjack, a bomb, chain, metal knuckles, ice pick or any other dangerous instrument as defined in another section. That's kind of a broad definition as one could interpret that they could carry a concealed bomb -- what in gods name were lawmakers thinking?
I am not sure what all is involved with getting your permit in DE, but good job so far.
Oh.. it's horrendous:
July 31: Bought my first gun ever -- S&W Sigma 9mm. (-$280)
Aug 19: Started my training course as required by the state. (-$225)
Aug 30: Bought my Springfield XD (-$399)
Sep 2: Finished my training course.
Sep 5: Arranged to have my intent published in the Legal Notices in the News Journal. (-$74)
Sep 17: Make an appointment for fingerprinting/background check on Oct 9.
Sept 18: Sold my Sigma 9mm. Yay. (+$350)
Sep 28: Obtained all 5 character references.
Oct 1: Filled out my questionaire and had it notorized.
Oct 9: Got fingerprinted for my background check. (-$69)
Nov 1: Background check sent to Prothonotary. (Found out on 11/19 via call)
Nov 19: Called Prothonotary. Application at AG's office being processed.
Nov 29: Almost there -- letter from Delaware DoJ giving their non-commital, non-challenging, non-refusal recommendation to the Prothonotary. Time elapsed so far: 3 months, 10 days.
"Sep 5: Arranged to have my intent to obtain a permit published in the Legal Notices in the News Journal. (-$74)"
The fact that you have applied for your permit is published? With your name?
Full name -- no abbreviations and home address.
Amazing. Simply amazing. Kudos for seeing it through and good luck with the remainder of the process.
I'd consider moving after getting the permit so the published address is void.
I'd consider moving after getting the permit so the published address is void.
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