Monday, August 4, 2008

Change of Focus

Well, I've had quite the opportunity fall into my lap...

As I've indicated in some of my previous blogs, I'm working towards my B.A. in Criminal Justice with the intent of going on to Law School, most likely to focus on Criminal and Constitutional Law.

Well, a podcast I'd recently begun to listen to, Life of a Law Student, had been a stalled project for some time... The podcast basically entails of a law student going to class, learning and researching the material for that class, coming home and creating a podcast discussing what the professor had gone over -- this allows a few things:
  1. Gives a student incentive to truly learn the material, enough to act as an authority on the matter.
  2. Disseminate legal knowledge in a user-friendly format for free.
  3. Allow the student to develop their oral skills by speaking on subject matter related to their field.
  4. Create a body of work and to build a reputation in the legal community so that, when they receive their J.D., they're able to provide more than just a simple resume.
Project lead, Neil Wehnemen, had gotten caught up working on the current presidential campaign, taking courses at his law school and, of course, being a good husband, so I had sent him an email offering to provide some undergraduate content to flesh out what he already had, also offering him my extensive background in the field of computer science and sound production to also further the project. Well, he countered with an offer to take the project over.

Needless to say I was floored. It took me a few days to mull things over, but I eventually agreed and, as of last week, I begin the process of updating the site's code and recorded my introductory podcast, which I'll be publishing later on this week.

I hope that any of you with an interest in law, whether it be specific or latent, stop by and check it out -- Neil has already posted so much content, I'm sure there will be something there of interest for you.

On another note, I'll be taking a few training courses over the next couple of weeks -- my Range Safety Officer, Basic Instructor and Pistol Instructor so, hopefully, but the end of August, I'll be able to begin offering training courses for the NRA Basic Pistol Certification, Delaware Carry Concealed Weapon Licenses and the Florida Concealed Handgun Licenses... If anyone is interested in any of these courses, please feel free to drop me a line.

1 comment:

a most peculiar nature said...

Congratulations ! The site looks great, and I've bookmarked it for future reference.